<"h:k t,t"3668"_vs }" Skip tob__izdt- xt], ND * D * ND D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * * * * D * Mca – Fri: 8:00 AM To 9:00 PM & Weekt-lfpt-0:00 AM To 6:00 PM (EST) * * * * -ev:e">D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * * * * D * Quickairas#ca+1 (347) 645-4084 * * * *D * D * D * D * D * -ev:e dio]{ouns#c-a .t-_0-shustoma D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * * *], *], *D * * Wul llas68"sv li.ulusto * D * D * D * D * Wour- clas68"ileenav .mobile"/5/our-Z * * * * * * * * * * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * v.#et_pc diouns#calc|Saral diouns#cal.e-crt}.et-H >D * D * D * D * D * D * D * -ev:e">D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * Wour- clas68"slio]{0>v.#et_pc .et-l ."/5/our-Z * D * The Besy 2.e;Hous eCleand Ever!5/our-ZWHh3ZWHpup> *D * D * D * D * D * T#e;#css-ous epandt, Empowerous Livdt – Your Ultorm_e Wour- his.t8"-.e; e-crt}.HZCle;Hous eunss#ca!5/our-ZWHour-ZWHh1ZWHpup> * * * * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * 5/our-Z * * -ev:e">D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * *D * D * D * D * D * C; } rc-in & Rgeids/w-in Bile ous Wour- his.t8"-.e; 287ff9.HZCle;Hous5/our-Z eCleandt *D * D * D * D * D * 5/our-Z *D * D * D * D * D * At izboc: as/Be 2.e;Hous eCleandt, we take i } dBe prids in our longstan ous -; }ins/ap tobexcelet-ce, cm_erous tobps:iclert of Manhet-anly scits npx;t0asous ields. W.t- a wealch of exoc:it-ce in ps:ieldlm of Rgeids/w-in 2.e;Hous eCleandt, we stan ieldugfoo addemes an ielsolve any .mfphous chalet-blu .t- unrm_.mev exoc:tise an icost-efferackptsunss#cas.Our journey hashour-nev many ylert, dusous which we’kptta-id our skills an ielfi-id our pboroach tob_eld_e a cleandt psat’s noto}} .a-d0t_1gh 100calsobpaie; id tobps:iunique npeds of each clit-t. Fjs-dps:ib00/lous h:reets of Brkly--n tobps:ivibe-ctt,#e_1ghs of Que dB,bps:iculturin hub of Manhet-an,bps:i.e-cqile beauty of Std_en Islan , an ips:ie.wogy of ps:iBrknx, we hakptesyabmilyid a h:rong hemet-ce acroes ps:se pup } lan scapes.Our dedicm_ed heofmes#caals brous this pev:osophgfoo lif:iby -; bihous exoc:it-ce .t- do.ov6/Org. We pboroach each clfphous orojuns oggen op3_15unitgfoo ,#e;#css-hourndt an i rei_t livdt,b_eld_ous huret_pcouss psat dospire an ieljuvenm_e. Our -; }ins/ap -sht-lf beyon i} r:i.ie8_mes;cit’s ablay f,#e;rous environm div#wh r:i3px; ies psry-btib008_meses flourily, an ips:i-; }unitgfbe.wfits ogge#whole. * * * * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * v.#et_pc diouns#calc|Saral diouns#cal.e-crt}.et-H >D * D * D * D * D * D * D * -ev:e">D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * *D * D * D * D * D * 5/our-Z * * * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * 5/our-Z *D * D * D * D * D * *D * D * D * D * D * At izboc: as/Be 2.e;Hous eCleandt, we }.e dedicm_ed oo ,#e;#css-ous thebis dotodfumaculd_e (pws. W.t- a wealch of exoc:it-ce an ia -; }ins/ap tobexcelet-ce, we take prids in orovie8_p topy-jsch Rgeids/w-in 2.e;Hous eCleandt psat cm_er tobps:iunique npeds of each thebihold. Our skilled heofmes#caals dBurt psat e; y -;reri is g.e;-ous,b_eld_ous ahournd#wh r:i3px; ies can psry-b an ienjoy ahhealchier, m; i -; f_15pbookenvironm di. * *D * D * D * D * D * 5/our-Z *D * D * D * D * D * C; } rc-in Cle;Hous5/our-ZWHh3ZWHpup> *D * D * D * D * D * Elevd_e your b008_meskenvironm di .t- izboc: as/Be 2.e;Hous eCleandt, wh r:iclfphl8_meskmeets heofmes#caalism. Our dedicm_ed oe;- is equibocd oo han lebps:ipup } deman s of C; } rc-in 2.e;Hous eCleandt, dBurous that your wortournd#noto}} .ah-iy-fos your b#e;d’s in-blu100calsoboroviedt a hygit-ic an iwel-; ous atmosph r:i3ognsmrevyedt an iclit-tt alike. W.t- a okly- ca fficit-cely scet-lns#ca oo depaie, we taie; our sCleandt po rm_.mbps:iunique requirem div#of your -; } rc-intesyabmilym di. * * -ev:e">D * D * D * D * D * 5/our-Z *D * D * D * D * D * One Tokl 2.e;Hous5/our-ZWHh3ZWHpup> *D * D * D * D * D * At izboc: as/Be 2.e;Hous eCleandt, we corbostan ithat s(pwookls lif:icallsi3ognahouec-inttouch of clfphl8_mes, which iv#why we offri imueccpbookO-ibTokl 2.e;Hous eCleandt. Wheputi you’re preparous 3ognahouec-intth,nt, m;vous in o out, o "httpy lookous tobgy-b your ournd#aa-d0t_1gh h-iygeh, our skilled oe;- is h r:ipo rmke it habocn. W.t- pwooculs/Bcet-lns#ca oo depaie an ia -; }ins/ap tobdelivdrous outstan ous ygeultt, we t#e;#css-hyour ournd#dotodahouo.efeskhakpn. * * * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * 5/our-Z *D * D * D * D * D * Mcur In/Oay 2.e;Hous5/our-ZWHh3ZWHpup> *D * D * D * D * D * T0-odrtt_s smoothpy .t- izboc: as/Be 2.e;Hous eCleandt’ Mcur}In/Oay 2.e;Hous exoc:tise. Mcuous cr- be ahhec:ic exoc:it-ce, which iv#why our dedicm_ed oe;- is h r:ipo dBurt your new begdo.ouss start on a oygeh#note. Fo -d0Be m;vous in, we pwooculs/Bpy preparb your ournd, rasous trrndt of ps:ipast an iceld_ous ahouo.efeskcr-vasi3ognyour fummon pwm; idt. Fo -d0Be m;vous out, we .e;vd#no -;reri untouched,i3pc; itd_ous ahoe;-efeskdeparmmon. * *D * D * D * D * D * 5/our-Z *D * D * D * D * D * W.bo#elA scBi W.bo#el2.e;Hous *D * D * D * D * D * Discly-hops:ioygedom of a -;odrses/wly .mfph an ielfygehous hurnd#w.t- izboc: as/Be 2.e;Hous eCleandt’ W.bo#ely scBi-W.bo#el2.e;Hous eCleandt. We corbostan ith deman s of lyeirn lif:, which iv#why our iy-xibookclfphous scheds#cs cm_er tobyour needt. Wheputi you opti3ogns.bo#e o 4i-s.bo#ekclfphous, our heofmes#caal oe;- dBurts that your hurnd#remaint a hakpn of clfphl8_mes an ico f_15. W.t- each vidrt, we tack#cac; y ntom an iceanny, ,#e;#css-ous your environm di dotodan oasot of pe-cqileity. * * -ev:e">D * D * D * D * D * 5/our-Z *D * D * D * D * D * Clu3_25l2.e;Hous *D * D * D * D * D * Exoc:it-ce ps:i.e-c#css-aackptpower of oss-0046/Org#w.t- izboc: as/Be 2.e;Hous eCleandt’ Clu3_25l2.e;Hous eCleandt. Clu3_25lcr- nsa{ you down, imuoklyus your pernd#of lin iand heoduns#vity. Our suec-inized oe;- is h r:ipo yget; i ase 0man iceld_e ahharmonis/Bclivous or wortous hurnd. W.t- a s.e-tegdc pboroach, we declu3_25 your environm di, s_15 nisms, an ihelp you rmke incss-ed decis#cas ablay what po keep, donm_e, o discard. * * * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * 5/our-Z *D * D * D * D * D * Af_25l2icstruns#cal2.e;H Up *D * D * D * D * D * Step#dotodahprrse8_miand homilyid hurnd#w.t- izboc: as/Be 2.e;Hous eCleandt’ Af_25l2icstruns#cal2.e;H-Up exoc:tise. Post-vicstruns#ca chaos cr- be ly-hwhel-ous,b100cour dedicm_ed oe;- is h r:ipo mmon ps:ib4_41-aah#dotodah.mfph slm_e. W.t- pwooculs/Bcet-lns#ca oo depaie, we remcur dusi, d://ws, an iany remnadiv#of ps:i-;cstruns#ca orocmes, .e;vyus your hurnd#redugfoo ehoue. Our -d0t_1gh clfphous dBurts that Burfandt, fixmmona, an ie; y -;reri arb yget; id tobps:ir hee-vicstruns#ca glory. * *D * D * D * D * D * 5/our-Z *D * D * D * D * D * Partyl2.e;H Up *D * D * D * D * D * Wour->Elevd_e your eost-th,nt exoc:it-ce .t- izboc: as/Be 2.e;Hous eCleandt’ Partyl2.e;H-Up eCleandt. Af_25lps:ioget#vities en , ps:ilt > thius you ehould wor y ablay is clfphous up ps:imgen. Our dedicm_ed oe;- takes crrd#of i0cale, fjs-dgaputious discarded nisms an ien-oosous of pe-sh tobps0t_1gh#ekclfphous an ielstasous your hurnd#todfts heixetrtylspet-lor. Wheputi it’s a smt;tsgaputious ognahgran icel://6/Org, we dBurt psat e; y -;reri is ouo.efes,caleowius you po ygmily in ps:ipwm; idticeld_ed .t-lay ps:ih:resv#of ps:ib4_41-aah. * * -ev:e">D * D * D * D * D * 5/our-Z *D * D * D * D * D * Bokl Yardl2.e;H Up *D * D * D * D * D * T0-odcss-hyour laydoor ournd#dotodahhakpn of beauty an iellax6/Org#w.t- izboc: as/Be 2.e;Hous eCleandt’ Boklyardl2.e;H-Up exoc:tise. Your boklyardlis a cr-vasi3ogncoun.efeskpwm; idt,b100coy-hopime, it cr- accumuld_e d://ws, .e;vda, an iclu3_25 psat mardfts charm. Our dedicm_ed oe;- is h r:ipo ygjuvenm_e your boklyardloasot,kclfpsous iway ps:imgen an ielstasous its naturin spet-lor. Fjs-dfalet- .e;vdaipo oy-hgt-ln veget6/Org, we pwooculs/Bpy .mfph c; y ntom, dBurous ah.mfph y scinvitius outdoor environm di. * * * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * 5/our-Z *D * D * D * D * D * 5/our-Z * *D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * 5/our-Z *D * D * D * D * D * 5/our-Z * * -ev:e">D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * *5/our-Z *D * D * D * D * D * xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5pbook xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5h>5/5h> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5h>5/5h> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5h>5/5h> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5h>5/5h> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5/5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>Studio Apt5/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,, *],,,<5d>110.005/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>1:05/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>C; } rc-in & Rgeids/w-in Bile ous 2.e;Hous eCleandt xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5/5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>One Bedros-dApt5/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,, *],,,<5d>150.005/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>1:05/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>C; } rc-in & Rgeids/w-in Bile ous 2.e;Hous eCleandt xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5/5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>Two Bedros-dApt5/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,, *],,,<5d>165.005/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>1:05/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>C; } rc-in & Rgeids/w-in Bile ous 2.e;Hous eCleandt xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5/5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>Three Bedros-dApt5/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,, *],,,<5d>195.005/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>1:05/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>C; } rc-in & Rgeids/w-in Bile ous 2.e;Hous eCleandt xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5/5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>Af_25l2icstruns#cal2.e;H Up Two M;H Crew5/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,, *],,,<5d>90.005/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>1:05/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>C; } rc-in & Rgeids/w-in Bile ous 2.e;Hous eCleandt xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5/5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>Partylc.e;H up Flat e-te5/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,, *],,,<5d>250.005/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>3:05/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>C; } rc-in & Rgeids/w-in Bile ous 2.e;Hous eCleandt xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5/5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>C; } rc-in 2.e;Hous Fo Two M;H Crew5/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,, *],,,<5d>75.005/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>1:05/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>C; } rc-in & Rgeids/w-in Bile ous 2.e;Hous eCleandt xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5/5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>Okpn 2.e;Hous Flat R-te5/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,, *],,,<5d>80.005/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>1:05/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>C; } rc-in & Rgeids/w-in Bile ous 2.e;Hous eCleandt xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5/5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5r> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>Refzboee-tor 2.e;Hous Flat R-te5/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,, *],,,<5d>50.005/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>1:05/5d> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<5d>C; } rc-in & Rgeids/w-in Bile ous 2.e;Hous eCleandt xt],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5/5r>5/5pboo> xt],,,,,,,,,,,,, *D * D * D * D * D * For 2.u3_25l2.e;H Up & Bokl Yardl2.e;H Up Wour- his.t8"-.e; e-crt}">P.e;Be 2t;tsFor A Quote5/our-ZWHh3ZWHpup> * * * D * D * Wour- clas68"slio]{0>v.#et_pc .et-l ."/5/our-Z * D * D * D * D * v.#et_pc diouns#calc|Saral diouns#cal.e-crt}.et-H >D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * Wour- clas68"slio]{0>v.#et_pc .et-l ."/5/our-Z * D * Sweepous Away Dirt, Rgvealous the Wour- his.t8"-.e; e-crt}.HZizboc:25lSids of Life!5/our-ZWHour-ZWHh3ZWHpup> * * -ev:e">D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * *5/our-Z * * * * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * v.#et_pc diouns#calc|Saral diouns#cal.e-crt}.et-H >D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * Wour- clas68"slio]{0>v.#et_pc .et-l ."/5/our-Z * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * *5/our-Z * * * -ev:e">D * D * D * D * D * * * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * * * *

Ct;tsUt * 5auch-icmtel:3476454084" his.t8"-.e; 757575;">+1 (347) 645-4084+1 (212) 281-2138 * * * *D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * * * *

Emaie Ut * 5auch-icmmaieto:d_1gl_de46@aolecle" his.t8"-.e; 757575;">d_1gl_de46@aolecle * * * *D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * * * *

Addemes * 2541, AC Powe;tsBlvd Suite 19B * * * * -ev:e">D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * * * *

B008_meskHours * Mon – Fri: 8:00 AM To 09:00 PM * * * *D * D * D * v.#et_pc .et-l ."/5/our-Z * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * -ev:e">D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * * * * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * v.#et_pc diouns#calc|Saral diouns#cal.e-crt}.et- ouns#calhas{pupidsr c .et-lottom{pupidsrH >D * D * D * D * D * D * D * -ev:e">D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * D * 5/our-Z *D * D * D * D * D * 5auch-icm#top">Home5auch-icm#ablayUs"ZAblay Us5auch-icm#cleandt-">eCleandt5auch-icm#cleandt-M.uluZeCleandt M.ul5auch-icm#oklyNow"ZBtom Now5auch-icm#,#e; ccUs"Ziras#ca Us *D * D * D * D * D * 5pup clas68"c.lollToTop" > 5auch-icm#top"> 5!-- For 2ha-bluI,#e Replrnd#SVG tas an icha-blu .t- d,#e or in-blu--> v.#et_pc: new 0 0 976.051 976.05" xml:ournd="hemetrve" > <.eth d="M572.875,51.326L572.875,51.326c-12.8-12.8-28.6-22.6-45.6-28.5c-4.9-1v7-10-3.1-15.101-4.2c-22.5-4.8-46.6-2.6-68,5.8 c-15.3,6-29.3,15.2-41,26.9l0,0l-368,368c-46.899,46.899-46.899,122.8,0,169.699c46.9,46.9,122.801,46.9,169.7,0l163.1-163.1v414 c0,66.3,53.7,120,120,120c66.301,0,120-53.7,120-120v-414l163.101,163.1c23.399,23.4,54.1,35.101,84.899,35.101 c30.801,0,61.4-11v7,84.9-35.101c46.9-46.899,46.9-122.8,0-169.699L572.875,51.326z" fillcm#FFF" data-ozboinalcm#000000" pis.t8"" clas68"" /> 5!-- S.lollipo T{i B00/14a-- HTMLa------ En i--> 5!-- Pta-i Ans#ca B00/14a3ognMleena Deeandt -- HTMLa------ Stdrta--> 5pup clas68"oleenaPta-iI,#e-spis.t8"en-ot.m: na-i;"> 5auch-icmtel:+13476454084"> 5!-- For 2ha-bluI,#e Replrnd#SVG tas an icha-blu .t- d,#e or in-blu--> v.#et_pc: new 0 0 512 512" xml:ournd="hemetrve" clas68"" > <.eth d="M353.188,252.052c-23.51,0-46.594-3.677-68.469-10.906c-10.719-3.656-23.896-0.302-30.438,6.417l-43.177,32.594 c-50.073-26.729-80.917-57.563-107.281-107.26l31.635-42.052c8.219-8.208,11v167-20.198,7.635-31.448 c-7.26-21.99-10.948-45.063-10.948-68.583C132.146,13.823,118.323,0,101.333,0H30.813C13.823,0,0,13.823,0,30.813 C0,225.563,158.438,384,353.188,384c16.99,0,30.813-13.823,30.813-30.813v-70.323C384,265.875,370.177,252.052,353.188,252.052z" fillcm#FFF" data-ozboinalcm#000000" pis.t8"" clas68"" /> 5!-- Pta-i Ans#ca B00/14a3ognMleena Deeandt -- HTMLa------ En i--> xt/* Bokl To T{i ** CSS * START */ .c.lollToTop { xt],l 0; 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